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      Authentic Native American Jewelry and Artifacts
Zuni and Navajo Bird Fetish Carvings

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Click on an item below for details and to order.
Hand made Native American Indian double bird fetish carving
Love Birds - Double Birds
Ed Lementino, Zuni
FF302 - $68
Authentic Native American Raven Fetish carving of jet and turquoise by Zuni Tim Lementino
Poe - Raven
Tim Lementino, Zuni
FF224 - $30
Native American Indian bird fetish carving
Puff Duck
Darrin Boone, Zuni
FF297 - $50
Authentic Native American owl fetish by Zuni Avriel Lamy of Picasso Marble
Who Am I? - owl
Avriel Lamy, Zuni
FF380 - $82
Authentic Native American Eagle Stick Wall Hanging by Alan Monroe Lakota
Eagle Sticks
Alan Monroe, Lakota
LES - $340
Authentic Native American bird fetish by Zuni Lena Boone of turquoise
- bird
Lena Boone, Zuni
FF407 - $80
Authentic Native American Eagle fetish by Navajo Herbert Halate of Acoma jet
Black Eagle
Herbert Halate, Zuni
FF391 - $72
Authentic Native American Duck Fetish by Zuni Darrin Boone
Decoy B - duck
Darrin Boone, Zuni
FF362B - $
Authentic Native American Eagle fetish by Navajo Herbert Halate of Acoma jet
Herbert Halate, Zuni
FF392 - $72
Authentic Native American owl fetish by Zuni Stafford Chimoni of Antler
Who Stands Tall - owl
Stafford Chimoni, Zuni
FF374 - $60
Authentic Native American double owl fetish by Zuni Derrick Kaamasee of turquoise
Who Loves You - owls
Derrick Kaamasee, Zuni
FF377 - $145
Authentic Native American buzzard Fetish of tagua nut by Zuni carver Antonio Kiyite
The Waiter - buzzard
Antonio Kiyite, Zuni
FF417 - $30
Authentic Native American eagle fetish by Navajo Albert Livingston of fishrock
Who Looks - owl
Albert Livingston, Navajo
FF414 - $48
Authentic Native American owl fetish by Zuni Derrick Kaamasee of turquoise
Two Hoots
- owls
Derrick Kaamasi, Zuni
FF389 - $140
Authentic Native American eagle fetish by Zuni Abbey Quam Panteah of Labradorite
Old School - eagle
Abbey Quam, Zuni
FF416 - $48
Eagle with rabbit fetsh carving of antler
Eagle Eats - eagle/rabbit
Destry Suitza, Zuni
FF361 - $125
Authentic Native American eagle fetish of antler by Zuni carver Jerrold Lahaleon
Proud Eagle

Jerrold Lahaleon, Zuni
FF410 - $40
Authentic Native American eagle fetish by Zuni Dane Malani of marble
Old Blue Eyes - eagle
Dane Malani, Zuni
FF415 - $48
Authentic Native American eagle fetish of antler by Zuni carver Joshua Mecale
Eagle Flight

Joshua Mecale, Zuni
FF411 - $42
Authentic Native American owl fetish by Zuni Fenton Luna of Picasso marble
- Owl
Fenton Luna, Zuni
FF412 - $36
Authentic Native American owl fetish by Zuni Willard Laate of antler
Who's Tipsy?
- owl
Willard Laate, Zuni
FF405 - $40
Authentic Native American owl fetish by Zuni Albert Livingston of Picasso Marble and turquoise
Whom - owl
Albert Livingston, Navajo
FF384 - $60
Authentic Native American owl fetish by Zuni Chris Peina of antler
Who's Gruff?
- owl
Chris Peina, Zuni
FF406 - $48
Authentic Native American Owl Family Fetish of turquoise and coral by Zuni carver Derrick Kaamasee
Two Hoots
- owls
Derrick Kaamasi, Zuni
FF403 - $144
Authentic Native American eagle fetish of marble by Zuni carver Dane Malani
Watcher - eagle
Dane Malani, Zuni
FF401 - $62
Authentic Native American black bird fetish by Zuni Timothy Lementino of Acoma jet
Sky King - eagle
Timothy Lementino, Zuni
FF382 - $49
Authentic Native American Duck Fetish by Zuni Darrin Boone
Decoy D - duck
Darrin Boone, Zuni
FF362D - $
Authentic Native American Owl Family Fetish of turquoise and coral by Zuni carver Derrick Kaamasee
Family Who
- owls
Derrick Kaamasi, Zuni
FF400 - $144

What is an Animal Fetish?

Native American Jewelry Blog tips and iinformationA fetish is a carving of an animal that captures the spirit and the essence of the animal, not necessarily its exact detailed conformation. Fetishes are carved from many types of stone, wood, antler, shell and other materials. Often the eyes and spots of adornment, called power spots, inset pieces of contrasting stones such as turquoise, jet and coral.
Read more about fetishes.

What is a Fetish Heart Line?

The heart line is a line etched, painted or inlaid along one or both sides of the animal. It usually extends from the mouth to the region of the heart. There are many interpretations as to what a heart line represents, but it is often said to represent the pathway of the breath of the animal to the life force which is the heart. Others feel that the heart line points to the soul of the animal. It is thought that a heart line gives the fetish healing or medicinal power.

What is a Fetish Medicine Bundle?

Many fetishes have a medicine bundle, offering bundle, or adornment tied onto the animal that consists of coral seed beads, shell heishi, feathers and other stone pieces. The bundle may be an offering to the fetish, to used evoke the spirit of the fetish or to increase the strength of a fetish.

Zuni Fetishes and Carvings
Types of Fetishes

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Zuni Animal Fetish necklaceFetish Necklace

The use of small carved animals on Native American necklaces is a modern invention for the market. It is not traditional to use a fetish, per se, on a necklace or as jewelry.


Zuni Horse Table Fetish carvingTable Fetish

Table fetishes stand on a flat surface for viewing. They come in various scales with the 2-inch scale being the size most commonly sold today.


Zuni  Pocket Bear Fetish carvingPocket Fetish

A fetish can be carried when the power of the animal is desired to help the person with a routine task or an obstacle or problem. Pocket fetishes might help with safe travel, a successful venture or "hunt", a good yield or "crop".


 Native American Medicine BagMedicine Bag Fetish

A fetish can be transported in a medicine bag but it is said that only the mole is content in the darkness for long periods of time.

Zuni, Navajo
Animal Carvings
For Sale


1 - Old and New

2 - How Fetishes are Made

3 - Animal Powers

4 - Uses

5 - Types of Fetishes 

6 - Six Directions

7 - Care and Feeding

8 - Habit Forming


Native American Jewelry and Fetish Carving Books
Zuni Fetish Books

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