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Sterling Silver
Medicine Wheel Pendant, Earrings
HK Item #NS357

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Authentic Navajo Medicine Wheel pendant sterling silver and turquoise
Authentic Navajo Medicine Wheel wire earrings sterling silver and turquoise
Medicine Wheel Feather Pendant
1 3/4" long with bail x 5/8" wide
NS357-A -
$25 plus s/h

Sterling silver cable shown is not included. 
 See Chains, Cables, Collars
Medicine Wheel Feather Wire Earrings
2 1/8" long with wire x 5/8" wide
NS357-B -
$55 plus s/h

Authentic Navajo Medicine Wheel pendant and earrings sterling silver and turquoise

Paula says: "Are you wondering why this item is not described as Native American? You can find the answer by clicking here."


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MEDICINE WHEEL - The Medicine Wheel is an integral part of American Indian Spirituality. It is based on the four cardinal directions and the four sacred colors. The circle represents life and the four colors, like the seasons, are the changes we make on our journey. At the center of the circle is the eternal fire from which everything originates and everything returns.
Read more about Four Colors Medicine Wheel.

Why isn't this item called Native American?

The US Department of the Interior Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 and its recent Amendments require that items described as Native American or Indian be made by an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe. Furthermore, government regulations suggest that all attributions include the Native American Indian's name, tribe and federal tribal enrollment number. Because it is impossible to identify the artist for many vintage items, even if they are authentic Indian made items, we cannot and will not use the words Native American or Indian in association with such pieces.

Read about authenticity of Native American Indian jewelry.


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