keep us all from riding around in circles, I've compiled classic arena exercises
along with my own personal favorites. Each exercise is presented with an arena
map and step-by-step instructions on how to ride the exercise. I've included Benefits,
Cautions, Notes, and Variations. There is also a horse and rider drawing for each
exercise that depicts some important aspect of the exercise. The binding allows
the book to be hung like a calendar or draped over the arena rail so you can Read
'n Ride." |
Wennberg, AQHA judge and instructor :
"This book is perfect for anyone who is seeking to improve their riding skills or their horse's performance." |
Western Horseman: |
Magazine: "All Cherry's works are easy to understand and apply; this book is a dream come true for instructors". |
Practical Horseman: "Besides helping riders, our testers thought the book an excellent resource for instructors looking for new exercises or for new approaches to teaching old ones." |
CONTENTSGAITS - 13 exercises including: HALT
TRANSITIONS - 16 exercises including: HALF HALT OR CHECK CIRCLES - 25 exercises including: STRAIGHT LATERAL WORK - 26 exercises including: TURN ON THE FOREHAND MINI-PATTERNS - 21 exercises including: GUESS WHAT |
For more information
on rider development see: Becoming
and Effective Rider