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 HK Item #FC465
 "My Rock"
Wolf Table Fetish

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dolomite Wolf Fetish Carving

dolomite, turquoise
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2 1/2"
inscribed: RL LS

dolomite Wolf Fetish Carving

dolomite Wolf Fetish Carving

Turquoise eyes.

See More Wolves

"My Rock"
Dolomite Wolf Fetish - #FC465

$65 plus s/h

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Paula says - "In my opinion, this wolf carving shows all the design characteristics and workmanship of being Native American made. But because we are unable to attribute the hallmark to a specific artist we can't legally sell it as Native American made - read more."

dolomite Wolf Fetish Carving

dolomite Wolf Fetish Carving


Questions or more details.

Store Policies

What is a Fetish?

A fetish is a rock carving of an animal that captures the spirit and the essence of the animal, not necessarily its exact detailed conformation. Every fetish and every stone is different and has its own unique features. Read more about fetishes.


Wolf teaches great dignity, courage, powerful Spirit communications, instinct and intelligence. Deep family connection and importance, stealth, wisdom, and extreme endurance. Wolf is a powerful ally on our Spiritual Journeys.

Why isn't this item called Native American?

The US Department of the Interior Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 and its recent Amendments require that items described as Native American or Indian be made by an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe. Furthermore, government regulations suggest that all attributions include the Native American Indian's name, tribe and federal tribal enrollment number. Because it is impossible to identify the artist for many vintage items, even if they are authentic Indian made items, we cannot and will not use the words Native American or Indian in association with such pieces.

Read about authenticity of Native American Indian jewelry.

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