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HK Item #FB904

Farlan and Paulette Quam - Zuni
Bear Fetish Carving

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Authentic Native American bowlerite Bear Fetish carving by Zuni Farlan and Paulette Quam

bowlerite, coral, rose quartz, jet, Read about stones
3 1/4"
inscribed: FPQ
Farlan and Paulette Quam, Zuni

Native American Indian Jewelry and Fetish Carving booksFarlan and Paulette Quam's work is featured in Zuni Fetishes and Carvings by Kent McManis.

Authentic Native American bowlerite Bear Fetish carving by Zuni Farlan and Paulette Quam

Authentic Native American bowlerite Bear Fetish carving by Zuni Farlan and Paulette Quam


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Farlan and Paulette Quam, Zuni
Bear Fetish Carving

FB904 - $145 plus s/h

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Paula says - "Have a friend who's a bowler? Here's a perfect gift - a bear made from bowlerite, which is derived from upcycled bowling balls!"

Authentic Native American bowlerite Bear Fetish carving by Zuni Farlan and Paulette Quam

Authentic Native American bowlerite Bear Fetish carving by Zuni Farlan and Paulette Quam

Jet inlaid eyes.

Authentic Native American bowlerite Bear Fetish carving by Zuni Farlan and Paulette Quam

Medicine bundle of coral and amethyst.

Authentic Native American bowlerite Bear Fetish carving by Zuni Farlan and Paulette Quam

What is Bowlerite?

During the depression, when valuable materials were scarce, Native American craftsmen used items such as phonograph records, car batteries and plastic Dixie cup spoons to make jewelry. Today that resourcefulness continues with bowlerite - up-cycled bowling balls that have been cut apart, shaped, sanded, and polished to make jewelry and other crafts. Read about stones.

What is a Fetish?

A fetish is a rock carving of an animal that captures the spirit and the essence of the animal, not necessarily its exact detailed conformation. Read more about fetishes.

Indian Bear Symbolism

Bear is considered the most powerful of all of the animals and is one of the most popular subjects of fetish carvers. Bear is a spiritual guide and represents strength and self-knowledge. He also has supernatural powers, great healing powers. Bear is a symbol deliberate action, introspection, soul and insight for the past and the future. The Bear is the guardian of the West an is one of the animals of the Six Directions.


What is a Medicine Bundle?

Many fetishes have a medicine bundle, offering bundle, or adornment tied onto the animal that consists of turquoise nuggets, coral seed beads, shell heishi, feathers and other stone pieces. The bundle may be an offering to the fetish, to used evoke the spirit of the fetish or to increase the strength of a fetish.

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