Inlaid feather and sunface of mother of pearl, jet, turquoise and coral. Turquoise inlaid eyes and spirit spots. Horns of Acoma jet. | "Prarie
$92 plus s/h | ||||||||||||
What is a Fetish?A fetish is a rock carving of an animal that captures the spirit and the essence of the animal, not necessarily its exact detailed conformation. Although carved from many types of rock, fishrock is traditional. Read more about fetishes
INDIAN BUFFALO SYMBOLISMBuffalo was the major source of sustenance for indigenous cultures of the plains, giving meat for food, hides for shelter and clothing, and Spirit Medicine. The appearance of Buffalo is a sign that prayers are being heard, that the sacred pipe and Spirit are being honored. Buffalo signals a time of abundance, prosperity and thankfulness.The medicine of Buffalo is prayer, gratitude and praise for that which has been received. Buffalo Medicine is also knowing that abundance is present when all relations are honored as sacred, and when gratitude is expressed to every living part of creation, recognizing the sacredness of every walk of life. |