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 HK Item #FF392 
Herbert Halate, Navajo - Eagle Fetish

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Authentic Native American Eagle fetish by Navajo Herbert Halate of Acoma jet

Acoma jet, turquoise, Read about stones
4 1/4" long
1 1/2" tall
1" wide
inscribed: H Halate Zuni
Herbert Halate, Navajo

About Native American authenticity.

Authentic Native American Eagle fetish by Navajo Herbert Halate of Acoma jet

Authentic Native American Eagle fetish by Navajo Herbert Halate of Acoma jet

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Herbert Halate, Navajo
Eagle Fetish Carving

#FF392 - $72 plus s/h

Authentic Native American Eagle fetish by Navajo Herbert Halate of Acoma jet

Authentic Native American Eagle fetish by Navajo Herbert Halate of Acoma jet

Turquoise medicine bundle and inlaid eyes.

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What is an Animal Fetish?

Native American Jewelry Blog tips and iinformationA fetish is a carving of an animal that captures the spirit and the essence of the animal, not necessarily its exact detailed conformation. Fetishes are carved from many types of stone, wood, antler, shell and other materials. Often the eyes and spots of adornment, called power spots, inset pieces of contrasting stones such as turquoise, marble and coral.
Read more about fetishes.

Native American Eagle Symbolism

Eagle is a symbol of power, healing and wisdom. Eagle represents enlightenment reached through inner work, understanding and reclaiming our personal power. Tenacity, clear vision and patience, living in balance with Spirit and Earth. Eagle connects one with Great Spirit, the Great Mystery, opening the soul to greater healing. Eagle tells you that the universe is giving you the opportunity to fly above your life's worldly levels, or above the shadow of past realities, granting yourself permission to be free in order to reach all the joy that your heart desires and Spirit requires.

What is a Medicine Bundle?

Many fetishes have a medicine bundle, offering bundle, or adornment tied onto the animal that consists of turquoise nuggets, coral seed beads, shell heishi, feathers and other stone pieces. The bundle may be an offering to the fetish, to used evoke the spirit of the fetish or to increase the strength of a fetish.

About Acoma Jet

Acoma jet is a solid, durable type of lignite coal that originated from wood material. It is mined around the Acoma Pueblo region, among other places, thus the name Acoma Jet. It is very popular with Indian artists for carving fetishes. It is also used for inlaying jewelry but usually is not used in jewelry stone sets. Jet is typically very lightweight and it is sometimes mistaken for plastic. Read about stones.

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