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  HK Item #FC482
Sampson Tulley - Zuni
Mountain Lion Fetish Carving

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Authentic Native American Mountain Lion Fetish Carving from serpentine by Zuni Sampson Tulley

serpentine, turquoise, heishi of white shell, orange spiny oyster, jet, Read about stones ;
sinew (thread made from animal tendon)
1 7/8"
Sampson Tulley, Zuni

Authentic Native American Mountain Lion Fetish Carving from serpentine by Zuni Sampson Tulley

Authentic Native American Mountain Lion Fetish Carving from serpentine by Zuni Sampson Tulley

Medicine bundle has feathers and beads of turquoise and shell heishi tied with sinew.

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Sampson Tulley - Zuni
Mountain Lion Fetish - #FC482

$45 plus s/h

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Paula says - "Sampson Tulley's animals are carved in what is called 'reservation style' having minimal detail and closely resembling the rocks from which they came. The feather adornment is characteristic of Tulley's work.

"This is identified as a lion by the way the long tail comes up and lays along the back."

Authentic Native American Mountain Lion Fetish Carving from serpentine by Zuni Sampson Tulley

Authentic Native American Mountain Lion Fetish Carving from serpentine by Zuni Sampson Tulley

Authentic Native American Mountain Lion Fetish Carving from serpentine by Zuni Sampson Tulley

Lion has turquoise eyes.

What is a Fetish?

A fetish is a rock carving of an animal that captures the spirit and the essence of the animal, not necessarily its exact detailed conformation. Although carved from many types of rock, fish rock is traditional. Read more about fetishes.

Mountain Lion Symbolism

Mountain Lion symbolizes grace, leadership, and strength. Lion has the natural ability to lead without insisting that others follow. She teaches the ability to be so true to yourself - in responsibility, honesty, responsibility -and to trust your inner knowledge and direction. Lion can impart power and self-confidence when dealing with problematic people. The Cherokee people considered Mountain Lion sacred because she has the power to see in the dark.

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