Medicine Bags
Native American Made

  Click on a category below to see all the bags available.

Authentic Native American plains Indian catlinite pipe bag by Lakota artist Alan Monore
MPB - Catlinite Pipe Bags
Alan Monroe, Lakota
27" x 7" - $395 each
Authentic Native American Butter Buckskin Sage Bag with glass and brass beads by Lakota artisan Alan Monroe
Butter Buckskin Sage Bags
Alan Monroe, Lakota
MSP - 1 1/4" x 1 3/4" - $25
Authentic Native American Butter Buckskin Sage Bag with glass and brass beads by Lakota artisan Alan Monroe
Tan Buckskin Sage Bags
Alan Monroe, Lakota
MSP - 1 1/4" x 1 3/4" - $25
Authentic Native American Butter Buckskin Sage Bag with glass and brass beads by Lakota artisan Alan Monroe
Saddle Buckskin Sage Bags
Alan Monroe, Lakota
MSP - 1 1/4" x 1 3/4" - $25
Authentic Native American Buckskin Sage Bag with sacred four colors beads and catlinte block by Lakota artisan Alan Monroe
4 Colors Sage Bags
with Catlinite Stone

Alan Monroe, Lakota
MSC - 1 1/4" x 1 3/4" - $35
Authentic Native American Buckskin Sage Bag with sacred four colors beads by Lakota artisan Alan Monroe
4 Sacred Colors
Plain Buckskin Sage Bags

Alan Monroe, Lakota
MSP - 1 1/4" x 1 3/4" - $25
Authentic Native American Small Mediciine Bag with Quill Medicine Wheel by Lakota Artist Alan Monroe
Small 4 Sacred Colors
Quill Medicine Wheel

Alan Monroe, Lakota
MBMW small - 1 1/2" x 2" - $80

Native American Indian Sage Medicine Bag
Lakota Small Deerskin
MB8 - 2 1/2" x 2" - $28

Native American Buckskin Medicine Bag with pipestone bead by Lakota Alan Monroe
Lakota Small Pipestone
MP - 2 1/2" x 2"- $40

Authentic Native American Lakota Indian Buckskin Sage Bag by Alan Monroe
Painted Sage Bags
Alan Monroe, Lakota
2" x 1 1/2" - $38 to $45
Authentic Native American Indian buckskin and blanket neck bag by Lakota artisan Sandra Mueller
Blanket Neck Bag
Sandra Mueller, Lakota
MBL119 - $90
Authentic Native American traditional plains Indian tobacco pouch by Lakota artist Alan Monore
Catlinite Disc Medicine Pouch
Alan Monroe, Lakota
MTC - 5" x 4" - $90 each
Authentic Native American Indian Small Buckskin neck bag by Lakota artisan Ina Espanoza
Small Buckskin Neck Bag
Ina Espanoza, Lakota
MBL120 - $40
Authentic Native American Indian fringed beaded buckskin pouch by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Four Sacred Colors Pouch
Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL151 - $40
Authentic Native American Indian Buckskin bag with beaded coin purse by Oglala Lakota artisan from Native West Trading Post
Four Sacred Colors
Medicine Wheel

Oglala Lakota
Native West Trading Post
MBL135 - $95
Authentic Native American Indian fringed beaded buckskin pouch by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Tiny Fringed Pouch
with Sacred Red Cedar

Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL149 - $35
Authentic Native American Indian fringed beaded buckskin pouch by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Four Sacred Colors Pouch
with Sacred Red Cedar

Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL146 - $40
Authentic Native American Indian fringed beaded buckskin pouch by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Small Fringed Pouch
with Sacred Red Cedar

Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL148 - $40
Authentic Native American Indian fringed beaded buckskin pouch by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Small Fringed Pouch
with Sacred Red Cedar

Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL145 - $40
Authentic Native American Indian fringed beaded buckskin pouch by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Morning Star Pouch
with Sacred Red Cedar

Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL150 - $40
Native American Indian Buckskin Medicine Bag
Authentic Native American Indian white buckskin beaded and painted medicine bag by Lakota artisan Travis Harden
White Buckskin
Beaded and Painted

Travis Harden, Lakota
MBL114 - $195
Authentic Native American Indian fringed beaded medallion buckskin purse bag by Lakota artisan Angela Russel
Beaded Medallion Purse
Belle Star Boy, Lakota
MBL152 - $495
Authentic Native American nylon shoulder bag hand painted by Lakota artisan Travis Harden
Painted Shoulder Bag
Travis Harden, Lakota
MBL117 - $168
Authentic Native American Indian Buckskin bag with beaded eagle by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Beaded Eagle
Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL121 - $125
Authentic Native American Indian fringed buckskin medicine bag with faux elk teeth by Lakota artisan Anita Brown
Faux Elk Teeth
Anita Brown, Lakota
MBL132 - $40
Authentic Native American Indian fringed buckskin medicine bag with Fox head by Lakota artisan Evans Flammond
Fox with Fringe
Anita Brown, Lakota
MBL133 - $75
Authentic Native American Indian buckskin beaded and painted pipe bag by Lakota artisan Paul Mueller
Rare Quill Belt Bag
Paul Mueller, Lakota
MBL118 - $175
Authentic Native American Indian Buckskin bag with beaded coin purse by Oglala Lakota artisan from Native West Trading Post
Beaded Coin Purse
Oglala Lakota
MBL126 - $125
Authentic Native American Indian Buckskin bag with turquoise and nickle beads Lakota artisan Anita Brown
Fringe Bag with Turquoise
Anita Brown, Lakota
MBL123 - $45
Authentic Native American Indian Buckskin bag with beaded medicine wheel by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Beaded Medicine Wheel
Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL127 - $125
Authentic Native American Indian Buckskin bag with beaded Sheep by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thunder
Beaded Polar Sheep
Rose Little Thunder, Lakota
MBL122 - $125
Native American Indian Buckskin Medicine Bag

Bags below are Undocumented, Non-Native American,
and Reproduction Medicine Bags

  Click on an item below for details and to order.
Buckskin Medicine Bag
Deerskin with White Sage
MBD-03 - $18 - $20
Buckskin Medicine Bag
Plain Deerskin
MBD-02 - $20
Buckskin Medicine Bags with fringe
Fringed Deerskin
MBD-04 - $20
vintage beaded  Medicine Bag
CC04 - Vintage Beaded
1" x 4 1/2" - $150
vintage beaded  Medicine Bag
CC03 - Vintage Strike-a-Light
2 1/2" x 4 1/4" - $120
Native American Indian Buckskin Beaded Medicine Bag
MBPM - Beaded
2 1/2" x 2 1/4" - $40 - $50
 Indian Buckskin Medicine Bag
Apache-Style Parfleches
LMC - 3" x 2 1/2"
Native American Indian Buckskin Beaded Medicine Bag
MBSB - Beaded Designs
3" x 3" - $40
Native American Indian Buckskin Medicine Bag
CK02 - Small Buckskin
3" x 3 1/4" - $60
Native American Indian Buckskin Beaded Medicine Bag
Small Two-Stripe Flap-Style
MBFH01 - 2" x 2 1/4" - $45
Native American Indian Buckskin Beaded Medicine Bag
Three Stripe Drawstring
MBFH02 - 2 1/2" x 2" - $50
Native American Indian Buckskin Beaded Medicine Bag
Beaded Designs
3" x 1 3/4" - $25
MBF300 - Small Fringed

2" x 2" - $16
Native American Indian Buckskin Medicine Bag
Native American Indian Buckskin Medicine Bag

What is a Medicine Bag?

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You might think that a medicine bag should only be carried by a Native American Medicine Man or Healer. That was one type of medicine bag - quite large as it would contain many herbs and articles, sometimes as many as fifty items.

But there is a personal type of Medicine Bag carried by most Native American men. It can range in size from a small pouch to a long bag. A personal Medicine Bag was not for healing others but to maintain personal harmony - with the physical, spiritual, and Authentic Native American Indian Buckskin bag with beaded eagle by Lakota artisan Rose Little Thundersupernatural. A youth might have a small Medicine Bag but as he added experiences, he also added things to his bag over the years, so he might need to replace the bag with one larger in size. Things that were added would include items related to a vision quest, stones, fetishes, sweet grass, sage, bones, hair or fur, roots, leaves or feathers. Each of the items had a special significance in the life of the owner of the bag. As life went on the bag could get quite heavy.

Buckskin Medicine BagToday, non Native Americans also use Medicine Bags. They are symbols connected to personal protection and power. Some wear a small medicine bag around the neck, under the clothing, or on a belt or saddle or carry it in a purse, pocket, knapsack or briefcase. Some people sleep with their medicine bags under their pillows.

What the bag contains is sacred and good medicine for that person. It can be traditional items or anything else - a locket, photo, key, bullet, or coin, for example.

Traditionally a medicine bag contains something from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms and from the life of man. Here are some ideas:

Plant Kingdom

  • Sage
  • Sweetgrass
  • The Three Sisters: Corn,
    Bean, and Squash Seeds
  • Flowers

Animal Kingdom

  • Lock of hair, mane or tail
  • Bone
  • Feather
  • Claw
  • Tooth

Mineral Kingdom

  • Stone fetish
  • Piece of stone such as turquoise or lapis
  • Gem
  • Crystal

    Man's World

    • Key
    • Photo
    • Coin
    • Microchip
    • Bullet

    Why does Horsekeeping have medicine bags on its site?

    Native American Indian Buckskin Medicine Bag"When Zinger, Sassy and Zipper passed away, I knew their spirits would live on but I wanted to celebrate their lives in a commemorative way. For each horse, I hung one of my favorite framed photos in my tack room along with a medicine bag. Inside each bag, I placed some sage from the pasture, a hand carved rock horse fetish and other items personal to each horse. This helped me with closure on the loss of my horses yet was a reminder of what a special part of my life they were."

    Zuni Horse FetishWhy sage?

    "One of my favorite smells is that of sage on the breath of my horses when I bring them in from pasture. That's why I lined the bottom of each medicine bag with sage and put the horse fetish in face down."

    Native American Ceremonial and Home Items
    Ceremonial & Home Items
    Native American Fetish Carvings
    Animal Fetish Carvings
    Native American Indian Smudge Kit

    Native American Indian Buckskin Medicine BagQuestions or more details.

    Read about Medicine Bags         American Indians commentsNative American Jewelry Blog tips and iinformationCUSTOMER COMMENTS

    "I received my Moonwalker medicine bag and it is wonderful ! Thank you." - MG

    "The 8 medicine bags are here already! Wow that is amazing. They are perfect. Thanks for all your help!" - LT

    "I received my elk medicine bag a couple of days ago. It's great. And I want to thank you for the fast delivery. I'll be ordering a larger one in the near future, once again thank you." - TT

    "I wanted to let you know that I received the Zuni Amber Wolf and Running Horse this morning. What incredible craftsmanship! I am so very pleased with the quality of work. Thank you very much. I will be in touch in the next couple of weeks with another order. Thank you again." Curtis

    "I received Deer Girl (medicine bag) this morning. It is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so very much." - CH

    "The painted horse on the medicine bag is ready to run right off of it. You can envision the movement of it. It is the perfect size for the tiny fetishes, along with maybe another very small treasure. " - Nancy

    "I received the fetish and medicine bag today. I am so pleased with my purchases! The horse fetish is absolutely exquisite! It’s even better than I expected. Thank you for everything, Paula." - Lisa

    "I just wanted to thank you for the very fast service of my first medicine bag. I am going on a vision quest and I didn't know if the bag would get here on time. You people are great, thanks much." - CB

    "The medicine bag arrived today. It is very nice. The items I ordered from my own country to put into the bag have not yet arrived ! So, well done. Kind Regards" - Mel from the United Kingdom

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