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HK Item #FB955

"Deep Motion"
Bernard Laiwakete, Zuni - jasper Bear

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Authentic Native American Bear Fetish Carving of jasper and Turquoise by Zuni artisan Bernard Laiwakete

jasper, orange spiny oyster, turquoise, Read about stones
1 3/4"
2 5/8"
inscribed: BL ZUNI
Bernard Laiwakete, Zuni

Native American Indian Jewelry and Fetish Carving booksBernard Laiwakete's work is featured in Zuni Fetishes and Carvings by Kent McManis.

Authentic Native American Bear Fetish Carving of jasper and Turquoise by Zuni artisan Bernard Laiwakete

Authentic Native American Bear Fetish Carving of jasper and Turquoise by Zuni artisan Bernard Laiwakete

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"Deep Motion"
Bernard Laiwakete, Zuni
Bear Fetish Carving

$59 plus s/h

Authentic Native American Bear Fetish Carving of jasper and Turquoise by Zuni artisan Bernard Laiwakete

Authentic Native American Bear Fetish Carving of jasper and Turquoise by Zuni artisan Bernard Laiwakete

Inlaid turquoise eyes.

Authentic Native American Bear Fetish Carving of jasper and Turquoise by Zuni artisan Bernard Laiwakete

Medicine bundle is a mother of pearl arrowhead, orange spiny oyster and turquoise pieces.

What is a Fetish?

A fetish is a rock carving of an animal that captures the spirit and the essence of the animal, not necessarily its exact detailed conformation. Read more about fetishes.

What is a Medicine Bundle?

Many fetishes have a medicine bundle, offering bundle, or adornment tied onto the animal that consists of turquoise nuggets, coral seed beads, shell heishi, feathers and other stone pieces. The bundle may be an offering to the fetish, to used evoke the spirit of the fetish or to increase the strength of a fetish.

About Jasper

Jasper comes from the Greek word, iaspis, which means "spotted stone." A form of opaque microcrystalline quartz, jasper derives its colorful patterns from iron and other minerals. Jasper can be found in a wide variety of patterns and colors, including shades of red, brown, orange, yellow and gray. Unicolor jasper is actually quite rare. Almost all jasper stones are multicolor, featuring stripes, spots or flame-like patterns and it is often named according to its pattern. Jasper has a dull luster but takes a fine polish. It is mined in North Africa, Sicily, France, India, Venezuela, Germany, the U.S.A. and elsewhere. It is thought by some that jasper has the power to give a person courage, drive away evil spirits and protect against bites of snakes spiders.

Native American Bear Symbolism

Bear is considered the most powerful of all of the animals and is one of the most popular subjects of Native American carvers. Bear is a spiritual guide and represents strength and self-knowledge. Bear has supernatural powers and great healing powers. Bear is a symbol deliberate action, introspection, soul and insight for the past and the future.

Zuni Fetishes and Carvings
Types of Fetishes

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Zuni Animal Fetish necklaceFetish Necklace

The use of small carved animals on Native American necklaces is a modern invention for the market. It is not traditional to use a fetish, per se, on a necklace or as jewelry.


Zuni Horse Table Fetish carvingTable Fetish

Table fetishes stand on a flat surface for viewing. They come in various scales with the 2-inch scale being the size most commonly sold today.


Zuni  Pocket Bear Fetish carvingPocket Fetish

A fetish can be carried when the power of the animal is desired to help the person with a routine task or an obstacle or problem. Pocket fetishes might help with safe travel, a successful venture or "hunt", a good yield or "crop".


 Native American Medicine BagMedicine Bag Fetish

A fetish can be transported in a medicine bag but it is said that only the mole is content in the darkness for long periods of time.

Zuni, Navajo
Animal Carvings
For Sale


1 - Old and New

2 - How Fetishes are Made

3 - Animal Powers

4 - Uses

5 - Types of Fetishes 

6 - Six Directions

7 - Care and Feeding

8 - Habit Forming


Native American Jewelry and Fetish Carving Books
Zuni Fetish Books

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