About Native American authenticity. Inlaid coral eyes. | Derrick
Kaamasee, Zuni #FF400 - $144 plus
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What is an Animal Fetish?
Native American Owl SymbolismOwl is a night bird with a large head and large eyes. Owl's eyes cannot move in their sockets but its head can rotate up to 270 degrees. With exceptional vision, acute hearing, silent flight, Owl is a stealthy and effective hunter. Native Americans attribute Owl with wisdom and sacred knowledge and call upon Owl medicine to help them see through deception, external appearances and illusion and to discover hidden truths. Plains Indians wear owl feathers to protect against evil spirits. |
ABOUT TURQUOISE Turquoise is associated with the sky,
and bringing sky energy to earth. It is known as a master healer stone as it is
believed to help speed the healing process. It is also thought that turquoise
can help promote honest and clear communication from the heart. |
Fetishes and Carvings |
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5 - Types of Fetishes